Help support Stamptown and their artistic endeavors
As a self-funded, independent, international production company, comprised of freelance producers, designers, photographers and videographers, we are in a rough spot for the foreseeable future.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve cancelled international tours, variety shows, previews and festival seasons in the UK, USA, and Australia, eliminating all immediate income for our artists and the company.
As we are not a charity and can’t take donations, we’ll be following in the footsteps of our UK friends at Berk’s Nest, Fight In The Dog and Show and Tell, by offering advance ticket options that can be redeemed for future shows once we’re able to go outside again.
Our 2020 plans included producing international tours for Jack Tucker and AJ Holmes, producing brand new shows from BriTANicK, Zach & Viggo, Jordan Gray, Mark Silcox, Luke Rollason, Roisin Crowley Linton, Business Casual and Leo Mohr, booking a UK/European tour for LA-based, funk-punk band Thumpasaurus in July/August, continuing to run Stamptown Comedy Night and our new material night Nutty Coo Coo Crazy Times in London, starting a new variety show in Los Angeles from Business Casual, and continuing to develop and release our various TV projects.
Once shows are running again, please email and let us know which show you’d like tickets to.
Zach Zucker
Creator of Stamptown